Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Early Childhood Programs - 1798 Words

Early Childhood Programs Teachers are major learning resources in a young child’s life. â€Å"Teaching young children is one of the most important and most difficult of educational jobs.† (Edwards, Knight, 1). With these things in mind, how effective are early childhood learning programs? What are their purposes? Through this research paper all of these questions and more will be answered. We will review the purpose of each program and it’s effects on the students. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the effectiveness of early childhood learning programs with respect to the long-term academic achievement of those students who attend the early childhood programs. Elaine Surbeck explains the†¦show more content†¦The intellectual, social, emotional, and physical areas of development continue to establish themselves through early childhood learning curriculums. These areas of development are the basis for early childhood learning programs. The intellectual area of development continues to develop significantly during early childhood programs. During this stage of education the child begins to develop skills that he will use during the remainder of his educational career. A study was conducted from 1961 to 1967 named The Cognitively Oriented Curriculum, which originated from the Perry Preschool Project. This project was completed in Ypsilanti, Michigan, by the Eastern Michigan University. The Cognitively Oriented Curriculum was an effort to transform Piaget’s theory of development into intellectual programs for preschool. Major goals of this study included helping children develop thinking skills, concepts, and processes, that will enable them to piece together knowledge and effectively apply it to their environment. The curriculum is based on four major areas including classification, seriation, spatial relations, and temporal relations. The area of classification allows children to make discrim inations by grouping items based on common characteristics. During seriation children work with objects relation to size, shape, quality and quantity. Spatial relations were determined by the child’s body and how it relates to objects around him. FinallyShow MoreRelatedEarly Childhood Program : Early Head Start Program1313 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction While there are several early childhood program models from which to choose, not all programs are equal in their goals and outcomes. Parents and policy makers have shown increased awareness for the quality of care and education in childhood programs (Epstein, 1999). A high-quality program is one that ascribes to developmentally appropriate practice while allowing children to take charge of their own education (Epstein, 1999). 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